Questions You May Have
Who will occupy the warehouse buildings?
The proposal will provide flexible floorspace to enable a range of businesses to occupy the units, for instance manufacturing or warehouse uses.
Are the existing trees being protected?
Yes and further landscaping will be put in place to provide a buffer between the warehouse units and the houses on Sipson Way.
How many jobs will be created?
Approximately 125 – 230 jobs are likely to be created as a result of the proposal.
What are the sustainability features of this development?
The scheme will achieve high sustainability credentials (including BREEAM Excellent at a minimum) through the use of efficient building fabric and sustainable electricity generation. This will include high levels of fabric efficiency and air tightness to minimise energy demand alongside the use of all-electric systems. The development will also increase green areas and enhance biodiversity within the site including new tree planting and green roofs where feasible. Cycle parking will be provided to encourage sustainable modes of transport and electric vehicle charging points will facilitate the use of electric vehicles.
What vehicle access is there to the site?
A new vehicular access will be created to the south of the site off Bath Road. This will be in accordance with the new access which was previously granted planning permission.
What impact will the plans have on traffic?
A transport assessment will be submitted with the application which will assess the impact of the proposal on local traffic. Initial work has indicated that the number of vehicles associated with the development would not have an adverse impact on the local highway network.
How tall will the warehouse buildings be?
The warehouse buildings will be 13m tall
Will the warehouse buildings overlook residential homes on Sipson Way?
There are no windows proposed facing towards homes on Sipson Way.
Will there be an increase in noise?
Noise assessment work has informed the design and layout of the scheme to avoid adverse noise impacts on the nearest houses to the site. The walls of the warehouse building are being specially designed to limit any noise from inside the warehouse building, and the yard areas will be located on the opposite side of the buildings from Sipson Way.
Will the proposals block light to nearby residential properties?
The proposed building has been set back from the western boundary and limited to 13m in height. This will prevent loss of light to neighbouring properties. A Daylight and Sunlight Assessment has been carried out which demonstrates the proposals will not result in any harmful loss of light to nearby residential properties, in accordance with BRE Guidelines.
Will the proposals affect air quality?
An Air Quality assessment is being carried out and will be submitted with the planning application.
When will a planning application be submitted?
We would like to submit a planning application soon, in the coming weeks. The feedback received will be summarised in a report that will be submitted as part of the planning application.